Abortion is Not the Only Issue to Control Voting

It is a habit that needs to end to say that my vote is controlled by whether a candidate supports the murder of babies. This morning while working on visa papers again, I listened to a discussion from 4 pastors about voting. As I listened, I immediately thought of pastors that I know who have spoken about politics. Several come to mind who had advanced degrees and yet were reticent to openly support Trump. On the other hand, three, faithful, honorable pastors that I can think of who had little formal training, were all happy to support Trump openly.

In the discussion linked to above, the main issue that was discussed was abortion. And I can understand that. Many times as a kind of shorthand, I have communicated to Africans that I could not support Barack Obama because he encouraged the murder of children. I have said that I could never support baby murder.

There may, however, be other issues that we should consider even though abortion is certainly an important matter. In our world, there are always—and only—tradeoffs. When I spend a morning opposing abortion, I cannot spend the same time writing my Sunday sermon. If I send $50 to Prager U for their excellent videos, I cannot send that same money to Ted Cruz for his campaign.

1. Living child mutillation

Trans gender surgeries are child mutilation whereby their bodies are permanently damaged. Some politicians support this grotesque and demonic practice and force the citizens to pay for it. And the entire society is catechized that they should begin to accustom themselves to this. Ought we not to consider child mutilation when we vote? This was not a concern because no one had pressed depravity to this level 50 years ago, but it is something which we must consider now when we vote.

2. Safety from murder

Politicians can protect their citizens by maintaining the police and punishing crime. However, some politicians promote pro-criminal, anti-victim, and anti-citizen policies. Illegal aliens kill many citizens every year. Should those lives be considered when voting? It is a terrible sin to kill a baby, but what about killing an adult? Laken Riley was a young adult American citizen murdered by an illegal alien who was allowed to enter the country because of evil policies. Shouldn’t we vote to protect her as well as the unborn baby? My pro-life voting does not end with the unborn, but with college students as well, and I have reason to believe that a Trump presidency will save many more lives .

Illegal aliens allowed to enter the US by evil policies have hurt American citizens very badly. Compare the crime of illegals during the last 8 years in this government chart remembering that the first 4 columns were under Trump and the last four under Harris.

Conviction Type20172018201920202021202220232024
Assault, Battery, Domestic Violence6925242992081,1781,1421,254991
Burglary, Robbery, Larceny, Theft, Fraud595347184143825896864626
Homicide, Manslaughter332360622927
Illegal Drug Possession, Trafficking1,2498714493862,1382,2392,0551,414
Sexual Offenses1378058156488365284202

American citizens were murdered 20 times more by non-citizens during Harris’ term. Why don’t we hear strong, dogmatic concern for those lives? And that is only murders—think of the horrific numbers of child rape, beating, and drug use! Do these lives have no value to be neglected when godly pastors speak of the Christian’s duty?

3. Safety from war

If there is an active war at the time of an election or the credible threat of a looming war, voters ought to consider the lives that have been lost or might be lost. Judging from the likely factors, it seems that the terrorist attack on Israel would not have happened on 7 October 2023 had Donald Trump been the president. Should we not love our neighbors by considering the 13 Americans murdered by the democrat withdrawal from Afghanistan? Those lives would not have been lost had we voted in a better candidate. There is good reason to think that the lives lost in the Ukraine war would have been saved had Trump been president. Why not consider those lives, godly pastor, when you counsel your people regarding voting?

When considering the US elections next month, it seems likely that other lives will be lost in conflicts with China, Korea, Iran, Russia, and Turkey if Trump is not the US president. Why is protection for these lives not a clear factor in a pastor’s counsel to his people? War kills not only soldiers, but civilians, and not only lives but budgets. Historically, it makes missionary service difficult and commonly stunts the growth of Christianity. Is it not good to vote so that peace will be maintained?

4. Protection of America

What other country was founded on an idea? What other country has done so much for liberty? What other country saved so many other countries by itself in World War I and again in World War II and again in the fight against communism?

What other country has given the world so many inventions like cars, laptops, and cell phones? What other country invests so many billions of dollars to build companies around the world and lift its people out of the dirt? What other country is changing the world year by year with technology?

What other country is followed by every other country with courts who balance the president? What other country teaches the world about free speech? What other country justice

its separation of powers to try to stop greedy men from dominating?

What other country sends out so many evangelists? What other country sends so many dollars to poor pastors around the world? What other country has helped with hospitals and schools through its citizens’ lives and gifts?

America is unique. She deserves gratitude and respect from every Christian. Muslims recognize this when they hate America, but yet are still drawn there by all her benefits. When pastors talk about voting, they ought to remember that it is a Christian duty to preserve such a signal providence as God showed on the world in 1776.

Every poor pastor getting some of the $12 million per year from HeartCry missionary society ought to be thanking God and publicly supportive of America. Every convert from an American missionary ought to pray for the protection of that country. Every US missionary making his salary from American believers ought to thank God for his passport and pray for America to flourish. Every US pastor who leads a middle class life because his members can pay him should stand up for the national anthem.

Specifically, Harris has pulled men from all around the world into America illegally diluting the laws, language, and culture and is aiming to make them a new electorate. Either she is incompetent to realize that she is on course to destroy America, or she demonically hopes to do so.

In elections in the USA, men should consider whether a candidate will make America great or diminish her divinely given torch. Will a candidate protect religious freedom so that we can teach all that Jesus commanded, guard free speech so that we can speak against perversion, and preserve an economy that shoulders nearly all the world’s mission works? Are these small things to be neglected?

5. Protection of private property

It is a sin to steal, yet many candidates run on a platform of promoting theft by increasing taxes and giving out other people’s money. This is a sin even though murder is a greater sin. Since Christians use their money to pay pastors, build church buildings, finance seminaries, publish books, translate Bibles, print literature, open schools, and send missionaries, we must not neglect to vote on the economy.

Yes, abortion deserves more attention than the economy, but even that must be measured. Murdering a baby who was born alive is even worse than murdering a baby at week 30 which is itself worse than taking an abortion pill when the child is 4 weeks old. How can we compare saving one baby’s life with losing 5,000 troops in war? As long as we are on the earth, we must make trade off’s between doing one good thing and avoiding another good thing.

Though we ought to vote to save the lives of unborn babies, it is not safe to say that abortion is the only issue on which to vote. Further, men who forget the evil of Roe v. Wade and the strength of character Trump showed to get his Supreme Court nominees seated, are ungrateful. I remember praying for years that God would overturn that abominable 1973 decision. America and the pro life cause are better because a president appointed judges who made the right call in 2022.

We should not struggle with this: It is a sin to support Harris with a vote or money. And it is particularly bad judgment not to see all the other lives and precious things that must be protected along with the lives of unborn babies.

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One Response to Abortion is Not the Only Issue to Control Voting

  1. Tyler Van Wingerden says:

    Good article, Seth. I appreciate you calling this out.

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