5 Reasons Every Christian Should Vote for Trump

  1. The unique strengths of America ought to be protected.

America sends out the most missionaries by far of any country in the world. Practically speaking, its wealth and freedom are two major reasons why the churches are able to devote so much energy to missions. Of course, He who sits in the Heavens can raise up missionaries from an impoverished realm of men dwelling in huts. But it has not been so in history, and we ought not to count on miracles to save us from poor husbandry of such a great gift to the modern church as America’s believers.

Every missionary-loving Christian should rejoice at the prosperity of America, but that is not all. Its emphasis on freedom of speech and equality under the law has influenced many governments around the world in a more Biblical, humane direction. The best books and the best publishing houses are largely coming from the USA. The strongest opposition to Islamic terrorism comes from the USA.

Yes, good things can come from hard times, and perhaps that is God’s sovereign will for the future of the country that has sent more missionaries and planted more churches than any in 2,000 years. But Paul told Timothy to pray that citizens might live a quiet, peaceful, godly, and honest life. Trump is by far the better path to such a life, and so it is a Christian duty not only to pray for such a life, but to vote as well.

  1. The other side is uniquely evil.

As if it were only a small beginning to rejoice in sodomy, the democrats now press on to overcome every distinction of male and female. Democrats try to force women to accept men in their bathrooms, schools, sports, prisons, and meetings. They despise Biblical manhood and spit on the gentle beauty of femininity. Not being content to teach society, they would codify this evil in numerous, binding laws.

In their eyes it is a sin to place any restriction on the murder of babies. Their leaders take smiling photos in the deadly offices of Planned Parenthood. They give money to such abortion mills. They are not shocked at murdering even those little ones who have been born alive. Though they hate freedom in the best sense, they promote freedom from the consequences of their own wicked lifestyles.

The democrats despise America, and every Christian should ask themselves, Why? They have no regard for her Constitution, but instead choose judges that would rewrite, overlook, and contradict it. They give police powers to non-citizens, open the doors for illegal aliens to vote, and force through unjust taxation the honest citizens to pay for food, medicine, and education for criminals. They have opened the borders and dangled carrots in front of the rest of the world to rush in so that the culture can be diluted as quickly as possible. When criminal invaders murder, rape, and steal from the citizens, the democrats are quick to overlook or even pay for their legal deliverance. And of course, these illegals are being allowed to vote which will change all future elections. Many times elections are decided by 100,000 or fewer votes, and already 15-20 million illegal invaders have been let in. Even Elon Musk can see this now.

The democrat nominees for judges are almost all extremely leftist. They let rapists go free, charge fathers with non-crimes, attack masculinity and femininity, and overthrow the rule of law. The Biden nominees are almost every one anti-law, anti-Christian, and anti-victim. The destruction of the judiciary is an attack on the rule of law.

Paul Kengor in his excellent books on communism has showed again and again how communism regroups after each defeat to come back in a stronger, more virulent form. This most violent of all ideologies is surging into the ears of students by the promotion of the democrats. It has now reformed like a nightmare demon into Cultural Marxism whereby the politicians, educators, masters of technology, and media personalities are dominated by it. Generally, conservatives start businesses because their focus is on their families and churches. But if your life is not structured around family and church, then you will devote yourself to entertainment or “great causes” such as restructuring society. The democrats are mastered by communism in this form (if you doubt this at all, check the linked historical paper), and it is such a sin for a Christian to support this idea that it calls their Christianity into question.

But this is not all. Though no wars were started from 2016-2020, there is now a war in Ukraine and Israel. John Milton imagined in the last book of Paradise Lost how evil is the action of war. Who can fathom it? War is such a terror that we must search every possible way out of it unless there is no other way. The democrats and a majority of the republicans, however, start wars in nearly every term. Let us not forget how terrible it is for a young man’s life to be ended in a bomb blast. Very few wars in the world ought to have been fought; nearly all are unjust and evil. America could have an influential effect on peace around the world, but a vote for the democrats in 2024 is a vote for the deaths of many young men, not only from our citizens but from the militaries of other countries.

Though the list of evils promoted by the big-government, globalist, leftist regime could go on, I come lastly to theft. Inflation, unjust taxation, most government spending, grants to poor people, inefficient laws, federal control of medicine, wasteful lawsuits, international aid to foreign countries, foolish wars, university subsidies, unbalanced budgets, and the majority of the salaries of government workers are all kinds of stealing. The democrats promote these, and their combined effects reduce the wealth that believers have available to train their children, send missionaries, build churches, and support Bible translations. Satan comes to steal, and his children are known by this family birthmark.

I am not saying, “This is the most important election of our lives!” No, I am saying that in this election of November 2024, these evils are uniquely seen on one side more than on the other, and much more than in times past.

  1. There is a unique alignment of hatred toward him.

Between evil men and good men lies a mutual abhorrence as king Solomon observed in Proverbs 29:27. Who hates Trump? The democrats call him Hitler and tried already to assassinate him more than once. They impeached him twice groundlessly even after he left office. The hoaxes about Russia and Ukraine were both proven false years after they were raised at great expense to the taxpayers and the candidate, yet there has been not only no apology, but a constant assembly line of more. He has been sued in four different courts without basis. His home was illegally raided by armed government officials. The Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA, and now even the Secret Service have all been shown to have employees with influence who tried to attack him. The director of the FBI publicly doubted that he was shot in the face though the entire world saw it. Joining all these government assets, the worst republicans have refused to support him as well. The government that the Founding Fathers warned us about hates Trump.

The main stream media such as the most popular television channels have given more than 90% negative coverage to the 100% positive coverage of Harris. The New York Times, The Washington Post, and most other newspapers who delight in taxation, abortion, sodomy, and cultural Marxism seethe with hatred at Trump. The press hates Trump.

He was banned from Twitter, FaceBook, and YouTube meaning the masters of technology are against him. Google searches raised false and evil stories about him, burying positive statements. Amazon’s Alexa will not say anything positive about him, and books that praise him have had their covers changed or their distribution limited.

In general, the more unchristian a group’s stance is, the more likely that group will hate Trump. When all the devils of Hell direct their attacks on a single enemy, you are generally safe in supporting him.

  1. His policies and previous administration are generally consistent with Christianity.

What Christian could disagree with his 20 policy positions?

Close the border—In other words, he will oppose multiculturalism. There is a meaning to American culture and American citizenship is the gateway to full membership in that culture. Currently, citizenship is being offered to large numbers of people who do not share the language, the work ethic, or the commitment to law. And many of them are drug dealers, child traffickers, and violent criminals.

Lower taxes—Since any unbiblical tax is theft, lower taxes almost always glorify God. Trump respects private property.

Relative international peace—One of the greatest achievements of his first term is simply refraining from wars. Tucker Carlson mentioned that the international policy of America controls the politicians because there is so much money involved in war. Trump was a good president because he allowed no money to be stolen for unjust wars, and no lives to be lost on the same—the first president in many years.

Stop the government attacks on US citizens—Since the democrat party is now controlled by men who want to reshape American culture away from its Christian roots, then they want to frighten those who hold to traditional values by arresting law abiding citizens. Trump will stop this at least for his term.

Election integrity—There is no good reason to use computers for voting or to have voting extend multiple days. Trump has promised to introduce legislation or an executive order for something so important and obvious as same-day, citizen-only, paper-ballot elections.

Stop transgender insanity—Trump will issue an executive order to stop men from invading women’s bathrooms or sports.

Pro Israel—In the most careful, precise exercise of military power against a foe that intentionally hides among civilians, Israel is fighting for its life with groups that have promised to absolutely destroy the nation. Trump will be supportive of the nation of Israel to exist and defend itself.

Cut regulations—The best government makes very few rules, but Biden’s government is pouring out rules. Trump cut rules and will do so again.

Conservative judges—In his first term, 234 judges were appointed almost all of whom are constitutionalists. Biden on the other hand has done 213 so far and a shocking number are activists who want to write law rather than interpret it. This single category alone is enough to make Trump the best choice since many judges sit for a life-time appointment.

  1. There are no substantive reasons why a Christian should not support him for president.

I have no evidence that Trump is a Christian, but neither have I heard anything other than superficial critiques of him.

Today I read several leftist websites listing the reasons Trump was a bad president. The reasons overlapped as if they were all reading from the same script. The list from the New York Times included that he is a racist, he hates immigrants, he did not release his tax returns, he wants paper ballots, he tried to stop Obama-care, he is an isolationist in foreign policy, he boasts, he refused to help stop climate change, he cut taxes (yes, that was a weakness), he failed in COVID, and he removed regulations. Other authors listed that he appointed conservative judges, overturned Roe v. Wade, and lost jobs for Americans. Do you think these are valid reasons to let Kamala Harris in office?

But what did the conservative critiques of Trump say? He is not pro-life. He supports homosexuality. He is proud, angry, rude, immature, and petty. These were the most substantial critiques I could find from conservatives. On both pro-life and homosexuality, I could wish he were stronger. But is it good judgment to reject his good policy positions when so many fires are burning? The same thing goes for his personality. While I could desire the character of Joseph and the statesman’s speech of Ezra, it is a matter to be overlooked after making a remark about it.

By several measures, Trump’s net worth went down after his presidency, and he worked for free returning $1.6 million in his salary to the government. For the privilege of carrying the heaviest job in secular society, he is in court, maligned, and losing the chance to retire in luxury. My job is more important as a church planter and evangelist, but I can at least unequivocally support my country by endorsing Donald Trump for president.

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One Response to 5 Reasons Every Christian Should Vote for Trump

  1. Christine Gallo says:

    Could not agree more with your well stated arguments. We are electing a President, not voting on our next Church’s Pastor. Christians will be losing their God given rights if Trump is not elected. The right to worship as we see fit will be in jeopardy; more taxes and regulations will eat into our giving, daily expenses and inheritance to our children. Get out and vote this November, Christian!

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