10 Questions Atheists Can’t Answer

When I say atheists can’t answer these questions, I mean they can’t answer them smoothly, persuasively, coherently, or popularly. Of course, any question can receive a stumbling word salad from the person questioned. But these questions completely defy the system because it is false.

  1. Why are some things always bad? Why is there a category of badness, evil, or wickedness?
  2. Where do the laws of logic come from?
  3. How can we call people, nature, music, or virtues beautiful without a Great Beauty? Why beauty, if no Beauty?
  4. Where did the first material come from?
  5. Why do all (or nearly all) men believe in god, gods, or the God?
  6. Why are atheist social experiments always violent, authoritarian, and cruel like Russia’s or China’s communism?
  7. If atheism is true, then why can’t it produce as many good actions as Christianity?
  8. How can there be truth without God? What does meaning mean without a Personal, Absolute, Logical Word?
  9. Where are the inspiring historical examples of atheists who sacrificed themselves to serve an honorable cause like Corrie Ten Boom in World War II, Jim Elliot in Ecuador, Paul Carlson in the Congo, and the thousands of defenseless missionary martyrs like them?
  10. Why are the great works of beauty in sculpture, orchestra, architecture, and literature all created by theists and mostly from a culture steeped in the Trinity?

Atheism is bankrupt. It does not have a good historical record to receive the investment of your soul. Better to hear the words of the wise Man who said, “Strive to enter at the narrow gate because many will try to enter, but will not be able.”

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