The Glories of Mark

Facts about Mark

  1. 678 verses
  2. 11,304 words in Greek
  3. 77 different “events”, most are only a few verses.
  4. 21 miracles in Mark
  5. 5 parables in Mark

Words repeated by Mark

  1. “Immediately”—More uses in Mark than the entire Bible combined.
  2. “Amazed, astonished, afraid”—And other words are used by Mark for emotional responses to and by our Lord: hardened heart, sighed, grieved, wept, worshipped, rejoiced

Lines unique to Mark

  1. “Repent and believe the gospel.” 1:15
  2. “Rising up a great while before day…” 1:35
  3. “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.” 2:27
  4. “After looking around at them with anger…” 3:5 cf. 10:14 (Only Mark says that our Lord was ever angry.)
  5. “Come away… and rest.” 6:31
  6. “I see men as trees walking.” 8:24
  7. “Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.” 9:24
  8. “Where their worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched.” Mark 9:44, 46, 48
  9. “He took them up in his arms, put his hands on them, and blessed them.” 10:16
  10. “How hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God.” 10:24
  11. “Have faith in God.” 11:22 (Imperative: “Possess divine faith! Acquire this faith!”)
  12. “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” 12:34
  13. “The common people heard him gladly.” 12:37
  14. “It is not you that speak, but the Holy Spirit.” 13:11
  15. “Preach the gospel to every creature.” 16:15

Facts that we only know from Mark

  1. During the 40 days of temptation, Jesus was with wild beasts. 1:13
  2. James and John are called the “sons of thunder” only in Mark. 3:17
  3. His family and friends called him insane. 3:21 Religious leaders will later call him insane (John 10:20) as well as demonic, and his family had rejected Him, but only Mark tells us that those whom Christ grew up with said He is out of His mind. Cf. John 1:11 and 7:3-5 or Matt. 12:46-47.
  4. The parable of the sower is the simplest of all parables. 4:13
  5. All the devils begged Jesus to enter into the pigs, and the herd had 2,000. 5:12-13
  6. Jesus said, “Talitha kum” meaning “Little girl, I say to you arise.” 5:41
  7. Jesus also worked as a carpenter, not merely the “carpenter’s son”. 6:3
  8. Jesus wondered at the unbelief of his family and friends. 6:6 The only other reference to Jesus being amazed is His response to the faith of the centurion (Matt. 8:10; Luke 7:9).
  9. The Pharisees added many rules such as ceremonial washings. 7:4
  10. Jesus loved the rich young ruler. 10:21
  11. Bartimaeus was the name of the blind man. 10:46
  12. The chief priests were afraid of Jesus not merely the crowds. 11:18
  13. The false witnesses at the trial were contradictory. 14:56, 59
  14. The crucifixion began at 9:00 AM. 15:25

3 Accounts in Mark alone

  1. Mark 4: 26-29—The parable of the Farmer who Sleeps
  2. Mark 7:31-37—The healing of the Deaf and Dumb man
  3. Mark 8:22-26—The healing of the blind man at Bethsaida

3 Accounts expanded in Mark

  1. Mark 6:14-29—The death of John the Baptist
  2. Mark 9:21-28—The discussions when casting out a demon
  3. Mark 16:15-20—The Great Commission

Observations about Mark’s accounts

  1. He does not record the sermons, except one, and very few parables.
  2. He mainly records the events and miracles.
  3. Mark believes the events will speak for themselves. History can bring us truth contrary to the postmoderns and deconstructionists.

Main point of Mark

  • Short: Amazed by the actions of Jesus Christ
  • Long: When one action after another fills the page, we are amazed and afraid at the same time because this One is so high above us in power, mind, and heart.
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One Response to The Glories of Mark

  1. Renee Buchko says:

    Thank you for a very interesting and informative Bible study for today. I enjoyed this a lot!

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