There are 50 points in this list, and each one is worth 2 points. How healthy is your church?
- Allowing as members only those who have been born again
- Testimonies of conversion required for membership
- Humility as a mark of the members
- Holiness as a mark of the members
- Wide-spread Bible reading and memorizing
- Members are consistent in their church attendance
- Church discipline practiced when necessary
- Building and maintaining a meeting place
- Only men in leadership
- Multiple men in leadership
- Godliness and Biblical wisdom as the chief requirements for leadership
- Men being trained for leadership
- Leaders enjoy reading
- Leaders’ families love the Lord
- Encouraging men to lead their homes
- Encouraging women to be homemakers
- Training children to be Christians
- Consistent family worship among members
- Talking about evangelism, missions, and conversions especially from the pastor.
- Actively trying to evangelize in the community
- Supporting missionaries from other churches
- Sending missionaries from their membership
- Energy and creativity to start ministries in the church’s unique time and place
- Strengthening other churches or pastors
- Verse by verse teaching
- Preaching the person and work of Christ
- Adherence to the Five Solas
- Adherence to the doctrines of grace
- Speaking the truth boldly on controversial matters
- Pleading with sinners in pulpit, Bible studies, and children’s classes
- Rejecting false doctrines unambiguously
- A written doctrinal statement
- Looking for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Public meetings
- Music driven by the fear of God and chosen by mature judgment
- Mature and prolonged prayers in public services
- Clothing that does not distract from thoughts of God
- Baptizing believers only
- The Lord’s Table consistently administered
- Warm toward visitors, other members, and Christians
- Rejecting entertainment in worship
- Regular offerings
- Giving something to the pastor
- Full support of the pastor
- Standing without outside support
- Generous toward the poor and the lost
- Consistent church wide prayer meetings
- Majority of members attend prayer meetings
- Significant time spent praying for spiritual requests
- Praying for missionaries consistently
- Commonly seeing answers to prayer
____ Total Score (2 points per mark)