While studying today, I came across a list of Jonathan Edwards’ fascinating answers to objections about who can take the Lord’s Table. Edwards’ is answering this objection: “If sinners ate the OT Passover, why can’t they take the NT Lord’s Table? Why can’t all men and children take the Lord’s Table today the same way all men and children ate the Passover then?”
Edwards gave a long answer, but this paragraph summarizes it well.
“Whatever was the case with respect to the qualifications for the sacraments of the Old-Testament dispensation, I humbly conceive it is nothing to the purpose in the present argument, nor needful to determine us with respect to the qualifications for the sacraments of the christian dispensation, which is a matter of such plain fact in the New Testament. … But yet all allow that the Old-Testament dispensation is out of date, with its ordinances; and I think, in a matter pertaining to the constitution and order of the New-Testament church—a matter of fact, wherein the New Testament itself is express, full, and abundant—to have recourse to the Mosaic dispensation for rules or precedents to determine our judgment, is quite needless, and out of reason. There is perhaps no part of divinity attended with so much intricacy, and wherein orthodox divines do so much differ, as the stating of the precise agreement and difference between the two dispensations of Moses and of Christ. And probably the reason why God has left it so intricate, is, because our understanding the ancient dispensation, and God’s design in it, is not of so great importance, nor does it so nearly concern us. Since God uses great plainness of speech in the New Testament, which is as it were the charter and municipal law of the christian church, what need we run back to the ceremonial and typical institutions of an antiquated dispensation, wherein God’s declared design was, to deliver divine things in comparative obscurity, hid under a veil, and involved in clouds?”
- Edwards uses the word “dispensation.”
- Edwards’ speaks of differences between the OT and the NT repeatedly.
- Edwards’ says that the NT is clear, full, plain regarding the church; and the OT is obscure, hid, and cloudy regarding the church.
- Edwards’ sees the difference and similarity of the OT and the NT as “perhaps” the most difficult in all of Scripture.
I am not saying Edwards was a dispensationalist. I am saying that when he was confronted with applying the covenant of grace consistently to the Lord’s Table, he suddenly begins talking very clearly about the great differences between the OT and the NT.
This is all my dispensationalism: A pastor focuses his church, his preaching, and his shepherding on differences between the OT people and the NT people.
Good article but I had to look up the definition of dispensation! I’m not a scholar but when a topic gets too complicated I remember that God gave us the NT. The OT was to show us that it was impossible to attain a closeness to God without hard work. Now, we have Christ and the simplicity of accepting him. Amen!
Wow, this is remarkable. What book did you find that?
Are we as believers, after the fall of Jerusalem, really under any covenant? Keep in mind that covenants are for the Jewish people. Edwards contemplated whether we as non-Jews are under covenant at all and so, why would we take part in the Lord’s Table, since it was a Jewish Passover celebration? Same would go for Baptism, which was a Law/ Covenant practice. A dispensationalist would say: No, we are not to be baptised as a pre-requisite for salvation. I would say, along with the dispensationalist that we are not to be Born Again and salvation comes not by believing John 3:16 since these were spoken by Jesus to Old Covenant Jews awaiting the Coming of the Kingdom. I would say that we have a better course: we are New Creatures: 2 Cor. 5:17: we have a new Gospel which is based on not simply that Jesus is the Messiah Matt 16:16-17, John 11:27 (old covenant), but that He was crucified as a Propitiation for our Sins, He was Buried and Rose from the Dead according to the Scriptures 1st Corinthians 15:1-4. Once one believes That Gospel, hidden as a secret since the world began but revealed to Paul the Apostle (Rom 16:25, Eph. 1:13, Gal. 1:11-12) one is sealed and saved for a heavenly eternity by the Holy Spirit: without works: just grace through faith Eph 2:8-9.(Old) Covenant theology is based on Faith plus Works since a Covenant was “You do these works and I will bless you”. Something new: Salvation by Faith plus Nothing; see Gal. 3. Though all Scripture is for our learning Rom 15:4, not all Scripture is written to us as Post-Cross, Post Resurrection believers. We as New Creatures have a New Apostle: Paul: to whom were given the decress for the Body of Christ 1st Cor 14:37. Thus, we have New Scriptures: all of Paul’s Letters: Romans through Philemon. All the other “NT” Scriptures are written to Jews under the New Covenant, not the Body of Christ. A true dispensationalist would logically use the KJ Version of the Bible so please compare the verses I have listed in the King James.
I was glad to read your emphasis on the apostle Paul who planted churches–14 listed in Acts over roughly 12 years.
It is my hope to live and die doing all I can to plant churches, and I hope you will do the same as best you see the book of Acts.
Whatever a man may believe about Covenants, the Lake of Fire is real and yet the Son of God calls to sinners.
Thank you. I do emphasize Paul but more than anything, his Gospel: which was different: revealed by the Risen Lord Jesus: secret/mystery/hidden since the world began and by which the world will be judged; (See Romans 2:16 and 16:25.) Paul’s Gospel: “Moreover brethren, I declare to you THE GOSPEL, which you have received and wherein ye stand; by which also ye are saved. For I delivered to you of first importance how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried and that He rose again according to the Scriptures.” 1st Corinthians 15:1-4. It is a good thing to be a church planter but all churches must be built upon Paul’s Gospel. Any other gospel is a false one: Gal. 1:6-8. Paul called his gospel the Gospel of the Grace of God: Acts 20:24. On the other hand, the Gospel of the Kingdom, preached by John the Baptist, Jesus and the 12 is no longer in effect and now qualifies as a false gospel. If you are interested in learning more about rightly dividing the Word of God, please email me for more information and resources. God Bless.