Friday afternoon, I found myself alone with Harry Chauke, a 19 year old young man who has been attending our church for about three years. During that time, he has repeatedly arrived with friends at our worship services or Bible studies. Not once or twice, but probably closer to a dozen times. Several of them have continued on for months and nearly become church members, but not one has, as of yet, offered a public testimony of conversion and entered the waters of baptism.
So, Friday I asked this young man who has no father in his life why he is still coming to church when others have dropped off.
As best as I may recall and translate into English he said, “I persevered because God chose me. God has some people, and He gives them what they need.”
And in case anyone thinks this has made him disinterested in evangelism, few in our church have brought as many people as Harry to the services with the exception of the pastor who planted those life-giving seeds in his heart.
I love doctrines that cause believers to keep on the path against relentless cultural forces trying to weaken their fledgling and faltering resolve.