Observations from a Recent Prosperity Gospel Crusade in Our Village

Before the Preaching

  • Before the preaching: An elder in his church had told me the day before (Wed.) that they were most aligned with Benny Hinn and Kenneth Hagin.
  • Before the preaching I asked a lay elder what were the most important methods for building a church. He answered quickly and confidently that the music was the most important. By music he meant loud speakers and drums. When I pressed him for more methods that were essential to planting a church, he replied, “Heal people.”
  • Before the preaching, the pastor stayed in his Mercedes which was parked in a visible location.

Pulpit Manner

  • In a poor village, he made sure to preach from an iPad, and keep it visible throughout the show.
  • He was a Venda, but he preached in English and had a translator into Venda. Our village is probably 80% Tsonga.
  • He wore a lapel mic, but had to ask for a hand held because he said needed “more power.”
  • He wiped his mouth and entire face with his hankie repeatedly even though it was a chilly night, and there was no visible sweat on his face.
  • After he got going, he did not mind cutting off the translator.
  • He called repeatedly for “Amens, Heys, and Hi” from the crowd.
  • Toward the end, he ran several times around the table frantically.
  • In one illustration, he danced, turned his back to the audience, and shook his rear end as the crowd cheered.
  • Near the end of his sermon, he noticeably touched his translator—a woman—on the chest.

Message Content 

  • “You will get a miracle that you could not get in a church.” 7:28
  • “You will hear something that you have never heard before. You will receive a miracle.” 7:32
  • He treated epilepsy in Matt. 17 like a person. The personal nature of the demon was transmitted to the disease. “An epileptic spirit… it is called a killing spirit.”
  • He compared the disciples in Matthew the Scriptural account with average Christians, and Jesus was analogous to the pastor. 7:38
  • He said the disciples were unsaved. He based this on the fact that he said the text called them wicked (which it doesn’t). 7:47
  • “Have the God-kind of faith. There is a human-kind, an animal-kind, and a God-kind.” Rerun Word Faith foolishness. 7:48
  • He implied the deification / little gods doctrine during this section.
  • “If you say, ‘Sickness come out!’ by faith, it has not choice because Faith is talking. When Faith is talking mountains must move.” 7:50
  • “There is no problem bigger than faith.”
  • “David ran to Goliath because [he] was his food. When you are born again problems are your food.”
  • “Faith is the most powerful force on earth. … When your faith speaks, your problem listens. Your problem says, ‘O, My god.’ [the “god” of the problem was faith.]… This is what the Word of God says.” 7:54
  • “The Devil doesn’t like Faith people.” At this point he had been going for about 15-20 minutes on the beauty and power of faith. We were supposed to be drawn to this mystical, personal Faith, yet there was no pointing to and very little referencing of Christ. There was no reference to the law of God, sin, humility, or repentance.
  • “You must be born again because if you don’t have faith, you will lose all the way. The demons who have been thrown out of Hell will walk on you.” There were several minutes here where he humorously threatened that those who do not have Faith will be conquered in their lives on earth by demons. Again, there was an emphasis on this life, no reference to the next.
  • “Whatever you want, if you speak, you will get it.” 8:01
  • He gave several illustrations implying that those who have Faith will fit size 32 skirts and drive VW Polos. Loud cheers from the crowd.
  • He quoted the Great Commission from Mark, but he skipped the part about preaching the gospel. “Go to all nations, heal the sick, cast out devils.” Later on he circled back and referenced preaching, but it wasn’t clear what was to be preached. It was very clear that the healing and exorcisms were important though.
  • On the earth doing miracles, “Jesus was exercising His faith. He was gymning [sic] his faith.”
  • He made a show of an illustration about the rapture saying that those who have Faith will be able to control the speed and even direction of the rapture. “You are controlling it [your bodily ascension]. If you forget to turn off the kitchen stove you can climb down the air. … you control it!”
  • “Your Faith can solve any problem. … I feel I am solving them [your problems] now.”
  • “That problem you have is not real.”
  • “Greater is your Faith than the problem. What is impossible with others is possible with you.”
  • “If you leave the house and forget your purse don’t go back. You have Faith. If you forget your phone, don’t go back. Phone by faith.” He then described an imaginary situation where a person imagines talking to his friend. The imagination of the phone call will prompt your friend to call whoever is with you at the time, and then you can speak to the original friend whom you had been dialoguing with in your mind. Lots of cheers here.
  • “When you believe your name is Jesus. You can call yourself Jesus.”
  • We were told when problems or disease comes to us, we must “Refuse to die!” 8:35
  • If we have Faith, we do not have to obey that sickness or disease. We should want to command our disease because “It’s boring in Heaven!” This line was said with enthusiasm. 8:36
  • “You are dangerous. You are powerful. You are strong.”
  • “When you become a Christian, you don’t have a parent. But Faith will become your parent.”


  • Important doctrines were not invited to this party. There was no discussion of repentance, the law of God, sin, the need for humility, the beauty of Christ, or eternal judgment. But with the things that were mentioned, these doctrines would have stood out like a Tsonga at a KKK meeting.
  • So many statements were asserted as fact that did not come from the text that eventually it became a waterfall of foolish, unsupported statements. The unconverted could eventually become accustomed (if they weren’t already) to hearing the ideas of man and equating the veracity of a statement with the volume of the speaker.
  • His main point did not come from the text.
  • The entire event was a show arranged for the pleasure of the natural man. The Big Man demonstrated his worthiness by technology, strutting, reverse psychology techniques, his car, and his self-esteem message of happiness. The repetitive, shallow music was blasted nearly a kilometer away. The “miracles” were designed even by their placement in the program to get attention.
  • The pastor promised that the people would get miracles. The pastor I spoke with in the back said no one could be sure that the miracles would come. So they wanted to use the certain promise of miracles to draw a crowd, but when they were pressed to explain what they meant, they actually denied the very premise used to manipulate attendance.
  • A Christian service must have its goal and content focused on some glory and beauty of Jesus Christ. This service was motivated by miracles and music. Obviously—even apart from the lay pastor’s explicit testimony—the music and drums were a powerful motivation for the people to attend. The content of the message glorified Faith as a personal force with very little reference to the Son of God except as He advanced some aspect of the Big Man’s agenda. Therefore, this was not a Christian service.
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10 Ways a “Rich” Missionary from the West Can Honor God in a Poorer Culture

  1. Live in a village with the people. Do not live in a gated community unless you live in a city where a majority of the population would live there as well. Do not live in a compound.
  2. Rent, buy, or build a house that is within the range of an industrious, working man. Have a home that is near enough to them that it will not be an embarrassment for the nationals to visit, and then have them in your home for Bible studies, visits, and meals.
  3. Set and live by a housing budget for remodeling, cleaning, and improvements that could be attainable by a member of that village who was industrious, frugal, and wise.
  4. Reduce your spendable monthly salary (the viewable portion, apart from retirement, etc.) to somewhere around $1,500 per month or some other culturally-informed amount.
  5. Forego most luxuries of the rich like paying for casual maintenance, eating out, expensive holiday presents, and updated entertainment gadgets. Or acquire God-honoring “luxuries” by saving a little for a long period.
  6. Actively look for good investments for benevolence giving. Those who are hurting because of acts of God are good candidates, but not only that group. Buy tools for poor tradesmen. Buy books for teachers.
  7. Look for ways in your particular cultural context to help the fatherless, widows, and abused.
  8. Treat the national women and children with the same respect you would treat your home church’s pastor’s wife and kids.
  9. Give generously at funerals. Especially the week after everyone has gone.
  10. Think of ways to give back to the community you live in so that a Christian’s presence will change the area after 20 years.

These ideas are not Bible, but they are applications that have helped my wife and teammates to live wisely. If you can improve the list, feel free to comment.

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William Carey on Success

Near the end of his life, the man who translated portions of the Bible into nearly two score languages said:

“I can plod and persevere. That is my only genius. I can persevere in any definite pursuit. To this I owe everything.”

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Who Are We to Say that Lance Was Wrong?

Last Wednesday while my bakkie rolled toward town for my weekly trip I listened to Feisel call into the national radio station, SAFM, to air his thoughts on their open line.

“Look, I don’t know what everyone’s getting upset about with Lance Armstrong. He did what everyone in that sport does.” Etc., etc.

The surprised announcer laughed out some question about whether we should change the rules for everyone. Lance broke the rules, and Mr. SAFM (and probably the vast majority of the listening audience) thought he should pay for the liberty he took.

Feisel however, was much more malleable. And I’m glad he called. At least he was trying to be—to a point—consistent.

If we can’t keep a rule, or if a fairly large segment of the population doesn’t like it, then let’s just let our legislation be honest with our action. Drop the rules that we don’t keep.

Is this not the situation that confronts us all today?

There is an obvious law that says, “Mothers should love their babies.” If a mother does not love her child, she has broken that rule known to all men because it is preprogrammed on our hard drives. But when that law conflicts with my strong desire to pursue my girlfriends or my voting block, then I will be faster than a speeding locomotive and able to leap over tall buildings in a single bound to justify a mother’s right to murder her baby. On average since I arrived in SA in 2004 well over 200 babies per day in this country have been murdered with consent of their mothers.

Or, we all know—in such a basic way that we don’t even think of it as a law, but of course it is—that a husband should be faithful to his wife in thought and action. Until he’s really tired of her because she’s not as perky as the latest wench who’s caught his eye. So says our inherently contradictory and ultimately inconsistent world. This law is broken repeatedly in divorce courts.

And we could expand our list of ways that the contemporary world not only breaks obvious rules, but revels in law-breaking. What I was reminded of so poignantly by Feisel’s call last week was that we are not law breakers when it comes to something we really care about. When it comes to our highest commitments—like sports—we will deal with criminals because of our love affair with pleasure and entertainment.

We live in a world of law breakers who incredulously gasp when someone implies that we should live as lawbreakers in all categories of life. Could it be that the essence of sin is inconsistency?

Nice wake up call, Feisel.

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10 Reasons Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings is Better than Peter Jackson’s

  1. Tolkien’s Faramir is a classic hero, whereas Jackson’s Faramir is a post-modern wimp with complex relationship problems.
  2. Tolkien’s Gollum has an internal heart problem that obliges him to sin and which he can’t overcome. Jackson’s good Gollum says at one point to the bad Gollum, “Go away and never come back!” At which Smeagol’s bad side actually goes away until the cruel environment in which Gollum is forced to live and work brings back the bad guy.
  3. Tolkien’s ring could only be destroyed by the power of Providence: Gollum “slips” on his own. Jackson has Frodo push Gollum. I guess his providence needed a little help.
  4. Tolkien had no crystal chicks. Peter Jackson couldn’t make it without spicing up the few girl parts to appease the modern feminist palate a little.
  5. Tolkien was written for adults who could follow a story. Jackson had to please the 20 year old video gamers by having—to pick just one example—a super cool elf run on top of a CGI cave troll to fire arrows down his throat while standing on said troll’s shoulders. Of course, in the book the troll doesn’t even get into the room.
  6. Tolkien wrote Sam and Frodo to be honest, loyal friends though Frodo was the obvious social superior. Jackson wrote Sam and Frodo to be… big surprise, a couple of peers who also have messy interpersonal problems including one of Jackson’s lowest dips where he has Frodo actually follow Gollum over Sam.
  7. Aragorn is a high and lordly king whose gaze cannot be held by either his friends (Eomer) or his foes (Sauron’s lieutenant). His will alone is sufficient to strengthen the men to enter the paths of the dead. Cut, cut, cut went Jackson’s scissors. Such heroes are far too heavy for today. They might make us feel bad since we obviously aren’t as good as them.
  8. Tolkien has some battles that are crucial to the plot, but occupy less than 30 pages out of 1,000. Jackson has scene after scene of gruesome orcs complete with creative ways to make blood fly.
  9. Tolkien wrote Theoden to be one more among many heroes. Jackson had him doubting and doting even after his “conversion.”
  10. Tolkien’s son and executor said, “They [Jackson and co.] eviscerated it [his dad’s classic tale] by making it an action movie for young people aged 15-25.”

And I haven’t even endured all the films.

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9 Problems with the Prosperity Gospel

The prosperity gospel will find no corner in which to hide its head on this blog, so let me start with a simple list of problems inherent to the message that Jesus died to deliver us from poverty.

  1. The prosperity gospel is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. The prosperity gospel urges sinners to commit idolatry.
  3. The prosperity gospel denies God’s sovereign purposes for pain as revealed in Scripture.
  4. The prosperity gospel ignores Biblical teaching on wealth.
  5. The prosperity gospel discourages logical thought about the Bible, a work ethic, sickness, economics, and politics.
  6. The prosperity gospel requires other heresies to support it such as deification and positive confession.
  7. The prosperity gospel inoculates people from hearing the truth because they think they already know Gospel.
  8. The prosperity gospel has never been accepted in the Christian church until the 1980’s.
  9. The prosperity gospel contradicts the lives of the many godly but poor believers in the Bible and history.
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If Only I Had Three Hands

My right hand holds the London Baptist Confession of 1689 pretty firmly with only a few exceptions—like defining the pope as the antichrist (a pretty common hermeneutical conclusion back in the Luther-Calvin-Council of Trent days). And Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings rests comfortably in my left hand. My wife and I have read through the trilogy 5 times in 8 years of marriage. The last time through I even read the poems in Elvish.

These two books—one basically a pamphlet and the other a 1,000 page novel—summarize key aspects of my life. I want to believe right propositions about God, know objective truth about His revelation, and proclaim this body lucidly in whatever venues Providence opens up for me. That’s the Confession of Faith. We use it as textbook when training pastors, and my teammate and I have both worked through it with men in our church.

Tolkien stands for the wonder and intrigue that should grip the mind of a Christian who is eager to see the fingerprints of his Father in every area of life. Several years ago, when I first moved to South Africa, I began trying to find a trail back to God from everything I met with in life. Abraham Kuyper helped me do that. A few months before marriage I took my first visit to Lewis’ Narnia which helped me see the value of imagination in this process. The Lord of the Rings, with its languages, cartography, history, botany, anthropology, etc., etc. built walls, doors, and windows  on that foundation.

But I wish I had three hands because as important as these works are to me, I felt like I was neglecting one of my children by not putting John Frame’s The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God in the header for this blog.

On another occasion I plan to post a fuller interaction with the many practical, Biblical, and insightful sections of this book, but here suffice it to say, that Frame’s work fortifies the mind against hastiness in judgment. How often have I found myself assenting to some idea only to find my reasoning based on some passing stimulus rather than on real, logical bedrock.

Classic and enduring. Those are the watermarks I want to find on my conclusions. Frame’s book helps the thinker build stilts by which to get through the morass of post-modern triteness to the dry ground of appropriate and measured certainty.

I’ll go forward with two great works if I have to, but if I could carry three, The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God would be a good choice.

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