Evangelism and missions

  1. Have you ever known a charismatic who moved to a poorer culture with a different language for the sake of planting churches?
  2. How could you answer an experienced missionary’s contention that the practices of tongues and miracles as practiced in the rural areas of Africa are actually vital parts of their false religion of prosperity?
  3. Do you consider the prosperity gospel a form of true Christianity or a false religion?
  4. Do you know of anyone who speaks in tongues or performs miracles who also encourages believers to suffer for the glory of Christ?
  5. Has the charismaticism of the poorer places in the world helped them to send out churchplanters or missionaries?

The gospel and false teachers

  1. Do you know of any popular, false teachers who profess to speak in tongues and perform miracles?
  2. Have you ever heard of any charismatics who warned people about these false teachers with the same kind of intensity of Jesus, 2 Peter 2, and Jude?
  3. Why are there few or no charismatics who rebuke the terrible and rampant sins of people like Todd Bentley, Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, or any of the other popular charismatics?
  4. Why is it that if you find a man who believes in prosperity theology he also endorses speaking in tongues and miracles?
  5. How many examples of false prophecies have you heard?
  6. How many examples of Scripture twisting have you heard from charismatic preachers?
  7. What would you say to missionaries who claim to have heard scores of the most ludicrous, sinful, greedy, blatant, and carnal statements from a wide swath of charismatic pastors in multiple languages in the poorest areas of Africa?
  8. What would you say to African Christians who suffered for years under wicked charismatic false teachers and claim that after having visited many churches in the whole area, they cannot find one that teaches the gospel?
  9. Do you know of any charismatic pastors who are known for teaching verse by verse through Scripture?
  10. Is that a common emphasis among charismatics?
  11. If tongues, miracles, and prophecy are important today, then when the epistles were being written, why were they only referenced in 1 Corinthians 12-14 to the most carnal church?

Changes in the gifts

  1. Have you ever heard claims of miracles or examples of speaking in tongues that you considered fraudulent?
  2. How did you know that these miracles or tongues were fraudulent?
  3. Do you consider modern miracles, tongues, and prophecy exactly the same as the gifts described in the NT?
  4. If you do, then where are the missionaries who can translate the Bible without learning the language, where are the men who can calm hurricanes, and who are the pastors who predict the death of their church members like Peter in Acts 5?
  5. If you think the gifts are not quite the same as the NT experiences, then does that not make you a kind of cessationist?
  6. If you are a kind of cessationist, then what Scripture do you use to support the partial cessationism that you believe in?
  7. Could those same Scriptures also lead you to a more complete cessationism?

The Holy Spirit

  1. Since Romans 8 speaks more often about the Holy Spirit than any other chapter in the Bible, and since that chapter is so central to the foundational book of Romans, and since charismatics profess to have a special interest in the Holy Spirit, why don’t we see books, conferences, and denominations focused on Romans 8 among the charismatics?
  2. Do charismatic churches talk about the fruit of the Spirit as often and with the same intensity and expectancy as they treat miracles, tongues, and prophecy?
  3. Is the charismatic movement as a whole known today for humility and holiness?
  4. Aren’t those some of the most vital marks of the Holy Spirit’s work in a man?
  5. Why have the major leaders in this movement not brought this as a critique?
  6. Do you know of any charismatic revivals that took place without any contemporary music or modern technology such as DVD’s?
  7. If not, then why doesn’t the Holy Spirit work as He did in Acts 2 where technology and contemporary music were absent?


  1. Do you believe that the names of the 12 apostles that will be on the New Jerusalem are the twelve apostles from the NT (Rev. 21:14)?
  2. If these 12 and no more will be written on the foundation, then can there be any more who are just like them?
  3. If there are no more apostles who are just like those apostles, then isn’t that a change—a cessation of NT practices?

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  1. Of the instances of tongues speaking with which you are familiar how many are similar to the Acts 2 where the believers spoke in earthly languages?
  2. Have you ever known any missionary who preached fluently in an earthly language that he had never studied?
  3. Have you ever been in a church service where the assembly spoke in tongues according to the rules of 1 Cor. 14? (The rules: One at a time, no more than three, an interpreter must explain, no women)
  4. What percentage of churches that speak in tongues do you think follow the rules of 1 Cor. 14?
  5. If you have ever been in a church where they broke the rules, how do you explain the Holy Spirit inspiring something that is clearly against His Word?


  1. Why do healers of today differ from the healing of Jesus Christ in that they do not heal everyone present, they do not perform miracles over death or nature, and they cannot create matter such as bread?
  2. Why don’t healers of today go into a hospital and empty all the wards?
  3. Why do so many charismatic preachers show themselves on TV with prepared environments for their miracles?
  4. Do you know how frequently false prophets deceive poor people with fake miracles in the developing world?
  5. Where are the responsible charismatics who for the great love they bear to the true gospel, and for hope they have that some of the poorest will be converted, and for their own righteous indignation that a false preacher is calling himself a charismatic, will denounce these charlatans as children of Satan (Matt. 23:15), snakes (Matt. 23:33), dogs (2 Peter 2:22), and pigs (2 Peter 2:22)?


  1. How is prophecy today different from just speaking wisely?
  2. If prophecy is similar to speaking wise words then how is that different from the belief and practice of all other churches?
  3. Are the words of a prophecy words that came from God?
  4. If they did come from God, then should we not record them in the Bible, and preach from them, and demand that all people obey them?
  5. If they did not come from God, then aren’t they simply men’s fallible and possibly sanctified opinions?
  6. If the words of a prophecy came directly from God, then isn’t the canon still open?
  7. If the words of a prophecy came from men’s own fallible but possibly sanctified opinions, then how is that a unique spiritual gift?



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Why Read History?

History maketh a young man to be old, without either wrinkles or gray hairs; privileging him with the experience of age, without either the infirmities or inconveniences thereof. Without history a man’s soul is purblind, seeing only the things which almost touch his eyes.

Thomas Fuller

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Is Rap Music Sinful?

Some time back, one godly man asked another if rap music was sinful. The question of course pointed to a deeper debate about culture, meaning, and beauty. Had I been asked, here is my answer.

Rap music is sinful like…

  1. Spitting on your kitchen floor.
  2. Preaching in boxer shorts.
  3. Making fun of your wife’s weight.
  4. Greeting the president with a chest bump.
  5. Playing a kazoo at a funeral.
  6. Choosing to wear filthy clothes to a wedding.
  7. Calling your parents by their first names.
  8. Dressing a child in revealing clothes.
  9. Wiping your nose on your pastor’s tie.
  10. Relieving yourself in a public place.
  11. Putting a black man in the bed of your pick-up truck while your dog sits inside the cab.
  12. Arranging a game of bingo in parliament.
  13. Playing heavy metal for Sunday morning worship.
  14. Refusing to shower or groom before a social function.
  15. Greeting your in-laws with “Yo, dog” and “Dude man.”
  16. Putting muddy feet on your host’s couch.
  17. Smirking when you hear that your friend’s father passed away.
  18. Spending money for an air-conditioned doghouse.
  19. Voting for a candidate only because of the color of his skin.
  20. Replacing men with women in active-duty combat.

All the items on this list are—at the least—offensive, but we don’t have verses that explicitly condemn even one of them. This list represents unchristian behavior because the items on this list objectively degrade the sacred or exalt the profane. Our first task is to get these two categories. Our second task is to rightly populate each one. Unfortunately, the mood of the day earns its daily bread by blending the sacred and profane.

In other words, God honors some things and condemns others in words that we have cleverly learned to disarm. For example, if someone reading this disagrees with me, I don’t think he’ll be convinced by one of the many clear proof texts I could offer: Do not be conformed to this world. The two believers on the road to Emmaus had so badly missed the point of the proof texts that they had been given, that Christ Jesus calls them fools with a heart problem (Luke 24:25). When my friend debated a Muslim, the unbeliever actually tried to use the New Testament to demonstrate that Jesus was not God.

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Too often we ask for a proof text, when only a change of heart will serve.

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The Fourfold Wrath of God

Even in our hymns we praise the glory of God’s anger.

Till on the cross as Jesus died,
  The wrath of God was satisfied. 

The love of God is wonderfully complex, but it is not alone. In at least four different ways, the doctrine of God’s wrath amazes the worshiper. In order to love Him rightly and in order to praise Him fully, we must even adore Him in His wrath.

1. During their lives, the wrath of God waits upon the non-elect in His expressed, promised, and internal hatred of their sins and even of themselves to the degree that their persons are interwoven with sin. God thus expresses the glory of His holiness by his statements in Scripture and the milder demonstrations of His anger in His sometimes physical punishment of sinners on earth. His wrath is also evident in His dire promises of eternal vengeance beginning with the Second Coming (2 Thess. 1:7-9). His wrath is internal in that He takes pleasure (Psalm 115:1-3) in despising in His own inner workings every action of sin which owing to total depravity spills over to the sinner’s entire being. The non-elect sinner can thus be fully an object of God’s wrath.

2. During their lives, the wrath of God waits upon the elect sinner before he is called by grace in much the same way as the non-elect sinner (Eph. 2:3) saving that this wrath is mitigated, even before their conversion, by His foreknowledge of them and His gracious purposes for them (Jer. 1:5; Gal. 1:15). As if both the elect and the non-elect had eaten fiery chillies, yet the elect sinner has also been given some comfort of water, either in promise or even in actual fact. Thus, the wrath of God being mingled with special love from God could be seen as a different kind of wrath as it appears to the elect before their conversion.

3. During their lives, but after their calling, the wrath of God comes against believers as often as they sin (Heb. 12:7, 9; Psalm 60:1; 85:5). Yet the full force is constantly softened, redirected, and diluted by virtue of the New Covenant (Heb. 8:12-13). It is softened because God has placed us as sons and Himself as our Father which relationship does not affect the full weight placed upon the unbeliever. It is redirected to the Son because that wrath was born by Christ on the Cross whereby he finished all the just payment for those sins. And it is diluted to an even greater extent after the elect have believed because now they are able to enjoy the overwhelming benefits that come with salvation (Eph. 2:13-22). Notwithstanding all these great changes in God’s wrath, and the great expiation made by Christ, believers can and do still sin, and this sin is the fullest object of God’s holy wrath. So much therefore as a Christian commits sin and, for however brief a period of time continues without repentance, he is under God’s fatherly displeasure. We know not how to think of this displeasure except as a species of wrath. Is it against sin? Yes. Is it directed in some way at me the converted sinner? Yes. However, Scripture does not commonly talk this way presumably because of the great changes brought about on the cross and at justification. Yet when it does speak this way, we should as well.

4. After the judgment, the damned will see and feel and know as full as any finite being can, the full weight of God’s wrath such as they cannot now perceive. They will know it then in a different way because: a. they shall have an infinity of time to discover it, b. they shall already have had their eyes open to the authority and Lordship of Christ regardless of their scoffing and ignorance now (Phil. 2:9-11), c. they shall feel it bodily, d. they shall feel it in some way in community with the others who share that fate because it is common to many in our day that the Bible threatens Hell to all demons and unbelievers. Since this wrath will now be expressed in its totality, it is different from that form of anger that God takes today with sinners which is so much covered with earthly mercies.

For the breadth of depth of God’s love we praise Him (Eph. 3:18). Shall we not do the same for His holy and just wrath? Is this hatred of sin not as glorious, energetic, and immutable as His other graces? Is it not perfectly seen in the Christ’s work on the cross? Then let us not neglect to give honor that is due.

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Whunga Baptist Church: A New Church in a Poor Area

A special joy known only to those who love the church of God rests on thIMG_1895e birth of a new assembly of believers. After years of evangelism and preaching, the Whunga Baptist Church was officially formed on Sunday, 20 March 2016. On that weekend, Alpheus Nyalungu and I arrived in Whunga, Zimbabwe in order to lend our support and approval to the two men who are laboring to evangelize there.

Though the village is only 250 kilometers from us in South Africa, Saturday’s trip—including the border crossing—took 10 hours. The return trip on Monday was a breezy, 5-hour jaunt. We were only stopped by police and roadblocks once, though we were warned to beware of more interaction from the public protectors. On our return we were so pleased at the speed with which they were processing us at the border crossing that the official took our happiness for mockery and along with a scowl held up a hand-written sign that said, “beware touts”.

The village of Whunga is positioned about 50 k’s off a major asphalt road in Zimbabwe in a hot and usually dry region. This last year was especially bad for crops, but one benefit of the arid condition is the absence of mosquitoes. Whunga and the villages around it have no electricity, running water, police, or health services, but thankfully, cell phone signals have spread their growing webs there.

Saturday night we slept in Zezani in Jastone Sebola’s copy shop IMG_1901where he makes a living for himself and his brother by making photo copies and other printing requests. Solar panels and batteries power the machines. Jastone is the twin brother of Justice, both of whom graduated from Limpopo Bible Institute in 2010. The day before he had waited all day on the side of a little road waiting for our vehicle to pass by, and when we did pass the place he had been for many hours, we were just in time to see a hyena enjoying some road kill.

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Jastone left a good-paying job in Johannesburg, South Africa at his brother’s request to help him plant the church in Whunga. What is his role in the church plant? He pays the bills for both families while his brother invests heavily in evangelism and preaching. Sunday morning we drove from Jastone’s house in Zezani the 18 k’s to Whunga which prompted me to ask how Jastone and his family get to church each week when they don’t have access to a vehicle. I was amazed to hear of two hurdles they overcome in order to ride in a taxi over those bumpy roads. First, they pay $8 every Sunday for taxi fare—a significant fee, and second, they step into the minivan at 3 am Sunday morning only to return from church at 5 pm. When they get off the taxi in their brother’s village, they walk, with an infant 3 kilometers, and then sleep at his house until 8 am. The service starts at 10 am, and they have only missed two services in the past two years.IMG_1823

As we drove the road to the village Sunday morning, the rains that had not come that year suddenly fell. The flash flood spawned tributaries and streams that crossed and re-crossed the road. Suddenly sections of the road had become rushing paths for the drainage water. I think many Americans who pay money for 4×4’s would also pay money to experience driving them through such conditions. Caleb and Colin whooped with excitement as we passed through impromptu rivers leaving other vehicles stranded for several hours until the water drained away. At one point, a river had so eroded the way we turned into the bush and made a path through mud, grass, and scraggly thorn trees.IMG_1886

Jastone’s twin, Justice and his wife Lisa stay in the village of Whunga at which we joyfully arrived through the rain. The large fields he had plowed with a donkey lost nearly all their crops this year due to the drought, yet now they were saturated. He was busy with an addition to his house made from bricks that he formed from the mud and cooked until they were rock hard. I was impressed with how straight the walls were.

This young couple ushered us into their two-room house where I had a pleasing vision of his solid library which included a number of Banner of Truth books. Many of those books were supplied by the African Pastors Conference ministry. Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said, “the type of theology you hold will decide whether you are a reader or whether you are not.” We rejoice that these two men take the Bible and its truth sIMG_1876o seriously that they want to understand it all. In the afternoon, Justice led a discussion which eventually went about two hours in length over the love of God as seen in the cross.

A path about two kilometers long reaches the school building where the believers meet. They had a simple guitar that Justice had learned to tune by ear. Along with some chords he learned while at LBI, they sang several hymns in Venda during the service. Probably, owing to the rain about 4-5 regular attenders did not come, but there were 7 adults, 7 teenagers, and a number of children.

Alpheus, my friend from Elim Baptist in South Africa, preached the morning sermon in Venda on the hatred that a true Christian has for sin. Then we began hearing testimonies from the 9 who were prepared to be baptized that day. One man gIMG_1888ave his testimony, but since he was not clear on the gospel, we asked him if we as prepared to persevere until we could see that he was a true believer. He seemed to be content saying time will help him understand. This man, Mr. Moyo joined us for lunch and listened to the Christ-centered conversation.

Jastone had translated and printed the church covenant of Elim Baptist to be used as the covenant for the believers in Whunga, and they all agreed to bind themselves as true Christians. Before heading to the river, we invited those who had been accepted for baptism to enjoy the Lord’s Table for the first time in that village.IMG_1859

Then we all made our way to what was now a fast-flowing, broad, yet shallow river where I was told repeatedly there are no crocodiles. They sang one of the songs from the morning, “Heart, Soul, and Body” a song of dedication to Christ while I baptized the 9 new members of WBC which included both Jastone’s and Justice’s wives.

Both of these men chose to live in these poor villages. They could at any time return to South Africa and search for jobs which would allow them to live in significantly greater comfort. But for the sake of the church which He purchased, for the glory of God seen in the slowly changing lives of the new believers, for love of those souls whose only end is eternal torment without the message of the gospel, for hope that a slow, steady ministry will produce fruit that endures into eternity, these brothers and their wives live and minister in a place that would be too difficult for most Western missionaries.

Seeing the new believers take the bread and the juice along with Alpheus, Caleb, and I reminded me with bracing force that what I was seeing was the Great Commission being fulfilled. Missions is that which labors to leave a body of believers in those desperately hard places. Outside of a miracle, it cannot be done in a short time. It cannot be done without intentional Bible teaching and patient discussions. It is generally small groups of believers who have been won over a significant period of evangelism. It does not despise children’s ministry. And as I experienced it again this weekend, it is powered by the glory of God’s sovereignty and grace.

IMG_1872On the way home, Alpheus and I spoke about the comfort we had taken from seeing this new body of brothers and sisters. If Jastone and Justice can provide for their own needs as tentmakers while evangelizing in the rural areas, then it can be done again and again in the many thousands of villages.

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They Would Rather Sleep

For an entire year a young man I’ll call Brian came to hear the Bible preaching in the “Blue Prison” section of Kuthama Correctional Facility, a maximum security prison where he is serving a life sentence for murder.

Every Tuesday, I went through another Christian doctrine such as humility, personal responsibility, justice, Biblical manhood, true and false repentance, the doctrine of punishment, and the role of government. My goal was to draw the men to Christ through simple Bible teaching on these vital themes.

This year I continued teaching, yet Brian as one of my brightest students from 2015 didn’t return. Yesterday as I taught the handful of men who remained, he stopped by to greet me. A portion of our conversation is reproduced here.

Seth: “Why aren’t you coming back to study the Bible this year?”

Brian: “From 1-6 pm is my time to sleep so that I can study for my other courses.”

Seth: “So, you are so disinterested in learning the Bible, that you would prefer to sleep in prison when I come from the outside to teach?”

Brian: “Well, we have different doctrine. You have your teaching, and I have mine. This is the way I was brought up, so I can’t change that.”

Seth: “Brian, is there anyone else in the prison that preaches the doctrines I preach?”

Brian: [After thinking] “No.”

Seth: “On Sunday do you go to church?”

Brian: “Yes.”

Seth: “And does an inmate usually preach?”

Brian: “Yes, each week it is a different one.”

Seth: “Have you ever heard one of those men preach the message that I preached about humility, repentance, and the gospel?”

Brian: “No.”

Seth: “Please remember my eyes and voice pleading with you, Brian. Because if you cannot endure to hear the gospel being preached, then you are in great danger of Hell.”

The brief interview ended with us both realizing that African Christianity which includes the prosperity gospel and charismaticism is fundamentally different—and can have no fellowship with—true Christianity.

But I fear that many well-meaning Americans and others coming from the cities may hear God-talk and the name of Jesus Christ, and then ignorantly assume that “There are so many Christians!” They would rather sleep in prison than listen to gospel-centered, Bible teaching. Does that sound like the work of the Holy Spirit?

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2015 Booklist

I grade books in five categories so that the maximum score is a 10. Each book can get a zero, 1, or 2 according to the grid below. My scores follow the book title in the list below.  Under each title is a summary of the book’s main point.


  • Book of the Year: Ralph Venning, The Sinfulness of Sin
  • Surprise of the Year: Reb Bradley, Child Training Tips
  • Worst of the Year: Shane Hipps, Flickering Pixels


0     The book was notable for lacking this category repeatedly.
1     The book dipped into this category at times.
2     The book consistently demonstrated this category.

Nonfiction Categories:

  • Weight: Did the book ask and answer the most germane questions about an important topic?
  • Research: Did the writer demonstrate a thorough command of the subject?
  • Style: Did the theme, vocabulary, and composition represent an enduring standard?
  • Logic: Did the book model logic in definitions, formatting, and focus?
  • Affections: Was some truth presented powerfully to the affections?

Nonfiction Books of 2015 (24)

  1.  Wilson, Doug. A Serrated Edge. 2003, 121 pages. 7
    God is honored when satire is used to mock unbelievers and obviously carnal “Christians.”
  2. Hipps, Shane. Flickering Pixels. 2009, 198 pages. 2
    Technology, especially printing, tends to make Christianity rational and logical. This is bad.
  3. Du Toit, Philip. The Great South African Land Scandal. 2012, 210 pages. 7
    SA’s government is damaging the economy and society by its terribly unjust treatment of farmers.
  4. Washinton, Booker. Up From Slavery. Audio. 9
    The greatest historical example of personal responsibility, fascinating and inspiring.
  5. Du Bois, W. E. B. The Souls of Black Folk. Audio. 4
    Because of the terrible sin of slavery, blacks need the federal government.
  6. Meredith, Martin. Diamonds, Gold, and War. 2007, 570 pages. 9
    Modern South Africa was formed around the intense struggle between blacks, British, and Dutch, the latter two groups fighting over the mines. Reads almost like a novel.
  7. Sheppard, Nancy. Confessions of a Transformed Heart. 2010, 206 pages. 7
    God uses missionary service to change missionary women. Read with Amy.
  8. Grudem, Wayne and Barry Asmus. The Poverty of Nations. Crossway, 2013, 398 pages. 8
    Nations are poor because of sin and sinful practices. An explanatory list of 78 practical causes for poverty. Very little emphasis on the gospel, evangelism, and churchplanting.
  9. Beck, Glenn. Dreamers and Deceivers. 2014, 320 pages, Audio. 5
    A loose collection of historic fiction about some controversial figures in history. Interesting and usually conservative.
  10. Pinson, Matthew, ed. Perspectives on Christian Worship, 5 Views. 2009, 360 pages. 6
    Worship styles are mainly determined by how much we are influenced by either the culture or Bible.
  11. Bradley, Reb. Child Training Tips. 2014, 231 pages. 8
    Biblical child training aims at maturity in very practical ways. Read with Amy.
  12. Philbrick, Nathan. Why Read Moby Dick? 2013, 144 pages.
    Moby Dick embodies in classic metaphor the mystery of life in general and the spirit of America in particular.
  13. Elwood, Christopher. Calvin for Armchair Theologians. 2002, 182 pages. 7
    His life in 50 pages; the Institutes in 90 irreverent pages; the fruits of his thought in 30 pages.
  14. Wilson, Douglas. How to Exasperate Your Wife. 2015, 97 pages. 7
    Masculinity is so important it must be constantly reexamined through a Biblical lens.
  15. Wilkin, Bob. A Gospel of Doubt. 2015, 300 pages. 3
    John MacArthur has damaged the church by teaching that faith in Christ includes commitment to Christ.
  16. Mortenson, Terry and Thane Ury, eds. Coming to Grips with Genesis. 2008, 478 pages.  9
    The Bible clearly teaches that the earth is only about 6,000 years old. Good arguments, too many typos.
  17. Grady, William. What Hath God Wrought! 1996, 668 pages. 7
    America’s history shows that it is a uniquely blessed nation, and thus it is uniquely attacked by Satan.
  18. Venning, Ralph. The Sinfulness of Sin. 1669, reprint 1965, 284 pages. 10
    An amazing cascade of Scriptural pictures and arguments reveal sin’s vile, damaging character.
  19. Cook, Faith. Fearless Pilgrim: The Life and Times of John Bunyan. 2008, 528 pages. 10
    While writing 57 searching books without an education, Bunyan endured poverty and persecution for 27 years of his approximately 34-year pilgrimage. He is a hero.
  20. Jaeggli, Randy. Christians and Alcohol. 2014, 162 pages. 7
    Christians must avoid alcohol because the wines of the Bible and the alcohol of today are dramatically different.
  21. Pipa, Joseph. The Lord’s Day. 1997, 239 pages. 6
    Christians must sanctify the Lord’s Day by specially resting and meditating on divine subjects, and by abstaining from works done in the week.
  22. Strickland, Wayne. Ed. Five Views on Law and Gospel. 1996, 416 pages. 8
    There are really two views on the law: theonomy vs. the law of Christ.
  23. Mitchell, Richard. Less Than Words Can Say. 1979, 224 pages. 8
    Our use of words creates and controls our ability to think. Or, language and culture are mutually supportive.
  24. Gibson, David. From Heaven He Came and Sought Her. 2013, 703 pages. 5
    The atonement was intended for the elect whom they called “all men without distinction” in contrast to the non-elect whom they designated without fail as “all men without exception.” Owen’s work is more comprehensive, more tightly argued, and thus more persuasive.

Fiction Categories:

  • Biblical: Did the author honor Scriptural truth or a Christian worldview even if unwittingly?
  • Creative: Did the author grip the imagination by inventing characters, situations, or other aspects of reality?
  • Style: Did the theme, vocabulary, and composition represent an enduring standard?
  • Credible: Were the characters, plot turns, and relationships believable?
  • Affections: Was some truth presented powerfully to the affections?

Fiction Books of 2015 (6)

  1. Wilson, Doug. Evanjellyfish. 2012, 228. 6
    Modern evangelicalism is largely an unbiblical mess.
  2. Wilde, Oscar. The Portrait of Dorian Gray. Audio. 8
    Man’s evil will ultimately consume him. A great picture of total depravity because it has the effect of creating a kind of loathing after sin.
  3. Tolkien, J.R.R. The Hobbit. 1966, 363. 7
    From Gandalf on the last page: “You don’t really suppose, do you, that all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck, just for your sole benefit? You are a very fine person, Mr. Baggins, and I am very fond of you; but you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all!” Read with Amy.
  4. Conrad, Joseph. The Heart of Darkness. Audio. 6
    Because of their greed, white men unjustly exploited Africa’s riches through violence and thievery.
  5. Dumas, Alexander. The Count of Monte Cristo. Audio. 5
    An unsatisfying and consistently Catholic tale of revenge complete with numerous unbelievable twists. 50 chapters too long.
  6. Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim’s Progress. 1678, 342 pages. 10
    The Christian life is a dangerous journey. Read with Amy.

If you made it this far and want the chart that breaks each book’s scoring down per category, I can send it to you.

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The Temptation of Eve Is Really About Legalism?

Recently Crossway’s blog published some of Sinclair Ferguson’s reflections on legalism.

A friend of mine passed on the link and here is some of the correspondence that followed.

Good morning, Brother,

Thank you for passing this link on to me. Three thoughts come to mind as I read that post.

1. All sins are related.
Haven’t we both heard people say that the ultimate sin that all sins root back to is… Pride (a preacher I once heard). Or Selfishness (a preacher I once heard). Or Autonomy (Frame). Or Idolatry (Keller). Because Jesus summarized the whole law as love God and love your neighbor, there is a valid tendency for us to systematize—which merely means combine some ideas and divide others—all the verses of the Bible. It’s a valid practice because our Lord did it, but also because our own hearts have experienced the web that produced our spiritual failures.

So, in that sense, I agree with Ferguson.

2. His choice of legalism was somewhat arbitrary.
The act of systematizing is a moral choice. There is a reason why this author and this blog at this time chose to combine those two ideas. He could have written a post (or chapter) from that same text (Gen. 3) critiquing antinomianism and evangelical scholarship.

“Eve didn’t want God’s law [antinomianism]. She rather chose to place her confidence in some other authority, just like many of the PhD’s at Wheaton College.”

Or, he could have chosen to aim at antinomianism and sinful entertainment from the account with Eve.

“Eve didn’t want God’s law [antinomianism] because she was so fascinated with personal satisfaction. Her eyes were bewitched, her senses were excited, and her hope for pleasure outgrew her humility.”

Or, he could have chosen to aim at antinomianism and egalitarianism.

“Eve didn’t want God’s law [antinomianism], which brought her necessarily outside the federal headship God had provided for her. Adam also bears blame because he should have been helping and guarding. But ultimately, Eve’s initiating leadership was the opposite of what God had made her to do and it was the natural fruit of her own rejection of God’s law.”

I’m not arguing for any of those presentations, although I think we could. Rather, I want it to be clear that the examples I just gave and that could easily be multiplied are in the same category as the two ideas Ferguson brought together and Crossway chose to highlight. That is, they and all the New Calvinists with them don’t like restrictions on their cultural pursuits. So, they chose to take a swing at legalism again—after all who wants to support something like that?—because they have moral reasons behind it. They feel very strongly about what they perceive to be behind that word. Notice that they at least tossed out a cursory definition of antinomianism (“opposition to and breach of the law”), but they don’t even need to define legalism because its “so obvious to everyone.”

They chose to put that term in the post because they wanted to make that point, not because they were neutrally bound by the text alone.

3. When evangelicals use the word “legalism,” I have good reason to suspect that they are hiding their antinomianism.
Precious few are the New Calvinists who will rebuke a leading scholar from Trinity for humorous remarks he made at a pastor’s conference about how he and all the other pastors present watched the movie Titanic. Where are the evangelicals who will rebuke the blatant worldliness of so many CCM artists? Though Kevin De Young wrote a book about holiness, The Gospel Coalition and WORLD magazine continue to write movie reviews because they know evangelicals consume those products. Wheaton College’s newspaper called a young boy a “missionary” to Hollywood because he was a model, and not surprisingly, he has since been seen in photos with nudity. Robert Webber at an evangelistic Bible study that my friend set up (and at which I was in attendance) waxed on and off about legalism while using the F-word.

These examples are only the beginning of my file full of evangelicals and their ongoing disregard for God’s law. So when they say legalism, I hear, “denying contemporary popular culture and entertainment.” Sadly, my experience has shown that is the one heresy with which no truly evangelical church will compromise. To the average evangelical “I hate legalism” means “Don’t touch my lifestyle.” If they really want to defend justification, they should try living holy lives.

Is that cynicism or just Biblical wisdom? If John the Baptist were alive, the blogs would be overflowing with posts about a professing, popular preacher who is cynical and ungracious and legalistic, yet Jesus praised him.

I would enjoy hearing your thoughts as well even if you disagree. I trust that you can see my conclusions rest on some level of evidence, so feel free to deal with that evidence if I have somehow missed something vital.

May God grant us both more of that holiness without which no man will see the Lord.


Other posts on legalism:Putting Legalism to Good Use
Good Works Aren’t All Bad


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Sale: 80 Years of Salvation on Clearance!

Here is a picture I took recently at a Muslim shop. If you can’t see the text:

A Toy Salvation for Pretend Sinners“(Recite 80 times)

In the name of Allah (S. W. T.), the Beneficient, the Merciful

80 Years of Sins Forgiven

Rasulullah (S. A. W.) has said, “One who recites the following Durood Shareff after Asr Salaah on a Friday without moving from his place, will have 80 years of his sins forgiven and He will receive the Reward of 80 Years Ibaaadah.”

No one who has felt the weight of sin and the terror of Hell could be satisfied with a salvation that could be found that simply.

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Africa is Reached With This “Gospel”

As I returned from preaching in the village, a man struck up a conversation with me as he was selling watermelons from his bakkie on the side of the road. Here is the conversation as I recorded just moments after it happened.

Pastor: Are you the pastor at Elim?

Seth: Yes, sir, and are you also a pastor?

Pastor: Yes, my church is in Nzhelele.

Seth: Are you one of those pastors who loves money?

Pastor: I am trying to point people to Jesus.

Seth: …but do you love money?

Pastor: Yes, I love money…

Seth: …but Paul says we must not love money, it is the root of all evil.

Pastor: [With rising heat] Do you think this is the way a man of God should live by selling melons on the side of the road?  it is not nice for a pastor to be poor and to be selling watermelons like I am on the side of the road.

Seth: Why not? Paul was poor and Jesus was poor?

Pastor: no, he was not. He was rich.

Seth: The Bible says in Timothy 6 that if you love money you are opening the door to all kinds of sins. You will be pierced by many sorrows and will lose your soul. You said you love money didn’t you?

Pastor: Yes, I do love money because you have to have money to live.

Seth: We’re not talking about using money wisely, I asked if you love it. And you said you did. On the authority of the Bible, you are a false pastor and in great danger.

Pastor: [Perturbed] Go well.

This particular pastor has a vehicle with white lettering all over it and Christian messages. There’s rural African Christianity. Please pray for a revival and send your best men as reinforcements.

Other evidences you may find interesting:
Selling the blood of Jesus

Dancing on money at church

Full of Covetousness

Conversation with a Venda “Christian”

Incriminating Photos

Observations from a Recent Crusade in Our Village

Posted in Accounts of African Religion, Prosperity gospel | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment