
IMG_3584As the historically acclaimed Father of Modern Missions, William Carey was an evangelist, linguist, pastor, botanist, educator, and at times a diplomat. I aspire to that kind of broad-minded philosophy and would be happy to be known as one of his descendants.

We have lived in South Africa since 2004 about an hour from Zimbabwe planting churches among Tsongas, Vendas, and the occasional Shona.

As to my personality, I am a reluctant child of my times fighting against the near omnipresent hastiness contemporary society and personal proclivity have bestowed on me. But I’m helped in my journey by an outstanding companion who homeschools our five children as well as serves the church.

Theologically, I am a confessional Baptist who likes evangelism, churchplanting, premillennialism, Abraham Kuyper, and of course, William Carey.

Other peculiarities include an interest in classic and enduring culture (hence the reference to Tolkien), hermeneutics, linguistics, and logic. You can reach me via the comments or at sethmeyers@mailbox.org.

Thanks for visiting.

16 Responses to About

  1. Pingback: Observations from a Missionary in Africa on a recent Prosperity Gospel Crusade in his village « THE WORD on The Word of Faith (a GroupBlog)

  2. Pingback: OPEN THREAD (Please Participate For New Article Creation) – PROBLEMS WITH THE PROSPERITY GOSPEL « THE WORD on The Word of Faith (a GroupBlog)

  3. Seth, adding you to my Inoreader RSS feed.

  4. Brooke Barenfanger says:

    Dear Mr. and Mrs. Meyers,
    I am interning with ODBM right now and was wondering if I could send you some interview questions for an article that I am writing? I would really appreciate it if you could answer them and sent them back to me as soon as you can. However, I know that you are busy, so I understand if you cannot.

    Brooke Barenfanger

  5. Sue Bailey says:

    Dear Seth & Amy,
    My name is Sue Bailey and I am a member of Morningside Baptist Church in Greenville South Carolina. What a wonderful blessing it was to have you for our Sunday night service on July 15, 2018. Today I accessed your website and signed up to receive your newsletters online. I placed your prayer card on my refrigerator and will pray for you daily.
    I am 68 years old and am privileged to teach the English as second language class at Morningside.
    I didn’t grow up in a Christian home and didn’t even hear the gospel until I was 17. When I returned home one day and told my parents that I have been saved and I wanted to be baptized they were not happy. My parents were quite wealthy and my father was angry at God. As the swearing, drinking and fighting increased I didn’t belong there anymore. If I insisted on going to a Christian college I would have to go on without any help or encouragement from them.
    But my Lord said, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” And He never has. I graduated from Bob Jones with a major in missions looking for an opening where I could serve the Lord. I worked overseas in Germany Jamaica Scotland, but no permanent door seemed open for a single girl. Then I taught in other states in United States helping in Christian schools. At 26 I was married and then had my three children, I homeschooled them for their first 12 years and then taught in a Christian school in exchange for their tuition until they graduated from high school. As a “stay at home” mom, I did most of the maintenance in our home, grew fruits and vegetables in a large garden, milked and tended the goats, did a lot of sewing, as well as homeschooling the children and helping them with their music lessons. So Amy, I can only partially imagine the heavy burden that you carry as you homeschool your five children— I only had three. And I didn’t have people coming into the house beating me up. And I only had to turn the tap to get my water.

    Most all of those years I taught Sunday school at first Baptist Church of Bridgeport Michigan. My husband was a deacon and we spent a lot of time working with vacation Bible school, Christian camps, and Christian school plays and activities. I was often called on to go camping with the teen girls as no other women thought it was fun sleeping in tents or using outdoor bucket facilities as a restroom.

    After 24+ yrs of marriage my husband came home less and less. Several years later it all ended in a divorce. I was no longer Mrs. John Bailey. No longer had a home. Was no longer a teacher in the Christian school. And by this time all of my children had graduated from high school and some from university and were in other states beginning their adult lives. So at 50 years of age I had to start all over. This time with a large, heavy “D” for divorced hanging around my neck. I felt very alone but my Lord never did leave me or for sake me.

    Things went gradually upward until I turned 58. Then the economy in Michigan crashed and I, along with many others, lost my home and later my job. By the time I was 60 I had to start all over again, homeless.

    I am now 68. The Lord has fed me and provided for me all the way. I do not own much in this world – – but this world is not my home. I have a kind landlord and opportunities to share Christ to those around me by serving them in different ways. I can pray and my Lord hears and answers my prayers. Just as the Lord has watched over you and protected you, He has watched over and protected me in many difficult situations. Let’s keep yielding to his direction, and keep serving the One who loves us.
    Your sister in Christ,
    Sue Bailey

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  7. There are some interesting points in time in this clause but I dont know if I see all of them center to eye . There is some validity but I will take hold legal opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we want more! Added to FeedBurner as well.

  8. Randy Windham says:

    Thank you for your article on simultaneous prayer. This was very helpful as I’m talking to a young pastor now to show him that mass praying is not biblical.
    Where in South Africa do you live?
    My wife and I used to live in Cape Town for five years. We now live in Lusaka, Zambia. We’ve been here for almost seven years. We’ve been in Africa for 14 years.
    We were in Francistown, Botswana for two years. We went into Zimbabwe many times to do ministry in Plumb Tree. We then went to Cape Town from Botswana.

  9. John Brand says:

    I came across your site, for which thanks. Are you actually descended directly from William? Brought up in a BMS family in India he is my great missions hero. Would love to know more about your family connections. The Lord bless you

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