Category Archives: Biography

No Rest Til Heaven: The Life of Richard Baxter

Youth and conversion Pastor at Kidderminster Marriage to Margaret Suffering Lessons from the life of Richard Baxter Thesis Bibliography

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David Jones and The Madagascar Mission

Very few have heard of one of the most fascinating and thrilling chapters in church history where marvels came to pass in the mysterious island of Madagascar. The Mission to Madagascar The land of Madagascar David Jones returns An evil … Continue reading

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Hard Work for Christ: John Wesley

Introduction In 1732, a woman named Susanna wrote a letter describing how she raised her 19 children. “When [they] turned a year old (and some before), they were taught to fear the rod and to cry softly. … that most … Continue reading

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Eight Lessons from The Scots Worthies

John Howie was apparently an illiterate farmer (xii) who gathered the papers of many men and republished them. The Scots Worthies (627 pages, reprinted by Banner of Truth) covers about 200 years of great men from 1500-1700. 1. Many highly … Continue reading

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Power From on High: The Amazing Success of Charles Spurgeon

Introduction Listen to the lecture. The statements of the Book of Acts startle the imagination. 3,000 saved in one day (2:41); a few days later, 5,000 more (4:4). New spiritual births were taking place each day (2:41). Solid, enduring churches … Continue reading

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Expect and Attempt: Faith and Ambition in the Life of William Carey

Introduction The world looked and felt very different 250 years ago (MAP). The earth’s population was about 10% of what it is today—770,000,000. Christianity was virtually unknown in South America, Asia, Africa, or the islands of the world. There were … Continue reading

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Inspiring Lines from Robert Philip’s Life of Whitefield

Revival “Look where I would, most were drowned in tears. The word was sharper than a two-edged sword. Their bitter cries and tears were enough to pierce the hardest heart. Oh what different visages were then to be seen! Some … Continue reading

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The Angel’s Voice: The Life of George Whitefield

“Who would think it possible that a person… should speak in the compass of a single week (and that for years) in general forty hours, and in very many weeks, sixty, and that to thousands…” Rev. Henry Venn (Quoted in … Continue reading

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“How Few There Are Who Die So Hard”~ The Life of Adoniram Judson

Myanmar, known in the past as Burma, has about as many people as South Africa (around 55 million), though the country is half the size. The majority, 80-90%, of the people are Buddhist. Only about 8% have any Christian conviction. … Continue reading

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