Category Archives: Divorce

5 Reasons Mark’s Account of Divorce Should Take Priority

Mark 10 and Matthew 19 both record a discussion of divorce between Jesus, the Pharisees, and His disciples. There are some differences in the two accounts, but there are some similarities. Both are longer accounts, several hundred words in Greek. … Continue reading

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The Best Exegetical Case for No Divorce

What Christian can disagree with these basic statements? Don’t we all agree on this? We’re in great trouble with no way out. Only Christ can save us. Without Him, we are doomed by the law. For professing Christians, there should … Continue reading

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20 Questions for Pastors Who Believe Divorce is Permissible

In the past, I have listed the arguments for divorce and against divorce. If you are not familiar with the debate or arguments, then please read those posts. This morning I finished reading Daryl Wingerd’s excellent Divorce and Remarriage: A … Continue reading

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Responding to the Arguments Against Divorce and Remarriage

The plot thickens since I have for years held to the no divorce position. Writing the critique of the “pro-divorce” side revealed a number of hidden crags in the rocks of Scripture I hadn’t seen before. But now I have … Continue reading

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Responding to the Arguments for Divorce and Remarriage

Having already set the table with the basic arguments for two major positions regarding divorce and remarriage, I am going to try to step fully into each perspective and refute the other from its vantage point. Taking on the glasses … Continue reading

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Arguments Forbidding Divorce and Remarriage

Having briefly listed the arguments allowing for divorce and remarriage, we proceed to an annotated summary of the arguments against divorce and remarriage. This post is longer because of the observations about the exception clause, but I’m trying to treat … Continue reading

Posted in Divorce, Ethical dilemmas, Hermeneutics, Pastoral | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Arguments Allowing for Divorce and Remarriage

As I preach through 1 Corinthians, I am grappling with divorce and remarriage. In the next few posts, I’m going to summarize the major arguments, then critique those arguments, and then offer some final conclusions. First come the arguments allowing … Continue reading

Posted in Divorce, Ethical dilemmas, Hermeneutics, Pastoral | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments